
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Updated: Minnesota Governor Signs Gay Marriage Bill; Some Brace for God's Wrath

Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton signed the Freedom to Marry bill during a ceremony held on the state capitol steps on Tuesday, making Minnesota the 12th state to legalize same-sex marriage, following Delaware and Rhode Island that also legalized homosexual marriage during the last two weeks.

Votes in the Minnesota legislature were close, but on Monday the Senate passed the measure by a 37-30 vote, preceded by a 75-59 vote in the House on May 9.

"What a difference a year and an election can make in our state," Dayton said about the law that will go into effect on Aug. 1, and will also recognize the marriages of same-sex couples who wed outside of the state. Read more

Also read
New: Hollande Signs French Gay Marriage Law

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