
Friday, May 24, 2013

Gay marriage: Christians are experiencing our own kind of exile

I guess Christians throughout the UK will be reacting to the progress of the same-sex marriage bill with a mixture of emotions. For some there will be a sense of despair, even anger that the Prime Minister could attempt to reshape an ancient institution in such a calculating and willful manner - feelings that will not have been helped by the unusual outbreak of applause following the announcement of the vote.

Others no doubt will be dismayed or even puzzled that God could have allowed this given the concerted efforts to defend the traditional understanding of marriage, not to mention the many fervent prayers that have been offered both in private and in the public square.

And as if "adding salt to the wounds" the Church of Scotland has taken a decision that will inevitably ensure the progress of openly homosexual ministry among its people. So how should we react? Read more

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