
Friday, May 24, 2013

The Boy Scouts Should Have Seen It Coming: The Gay Agenda Certainly Did

Sixty percent of the 1,400 voting members of the Boy Scouts voted to allow openly gay members, but not leaders yesterday, in a predictable change to the 103 year-old civic organization. What are the possible outcomes? Litagation? Most likely. Defections? Definitely. The response by faith groups who are the most vested with the Scouts-the Catholic Church, the United Methodist Church, and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints (Mormons)- remains varied.

More telling is that seventy percent of those who operate Scouting units are faith-based organizations that will most likely not be able to host the Scouts in the future because the language in the resolution prohibits them from being who they are-organizations that hold religious beliefs.

These groups will no longer be able to "give definite attention to religious life" because if they did they would violate the injunction not "to promote or advance any social … position or agenda." Any orthodox Christian organization that adheres to Biblical definitions of marriage, family, and sexuality will no longer be able to teach their beliefs because the Scouts position now defines a religious belief as a prohibited "social position." Read more

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