
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Senate Approves Cut to Food Stamps for Convicted Rapists, Pedophiles, Murderers

Members of the U.S. Senate unanimously accepted an amendment to the Farm Bill that would bar convicted rapists, pedophiles and murderers from receiving food stamps for life.

The amendment which was introduced by GOP Senator David Vitter of Louisiana last Tuesday was accepted by unanimous consent on Wednesday, according to a release from Vitter's office.

Under existing law, only drug felons have a lifetime ban from the food stamp program officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and states can opt out or modify the ban as they choose. Vitter's amendment would expand the current ban to include convicted rapists, pedophiles and murderers and would not allow states to opt out or modify the ban. Read more
The Senate's acceptance of this amendment has the appearance of being a knee jerk reaction. Banning convicted rapists, pedophiles, and murderers from the food stamp program would also ban their dependents--children and families, penalizing the innocent along with the guilty. It would add to the pressures that a poor economy are placing upon community food banks. The Bible enjoins us to care for the poor and the needy, not to persecute them.

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