
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Violence Mars Mostly Peaceful Gay Marriage Protest in Paris

Thousands of French took to the streets of Paris to protest the legalization of gay marriage on Sunday, and although the demonstration was mostly peaceful, some protesters lashed out with violence toward its end.

Approximately 200 young people threw rocks, bottles, fireworks and other objects at riot police at the end of the event, The Independent reports, and some attacked television crews and press photographers. Police responded to the attacks with baton charges and tear gas. Only a small fraction of the demonstrators at the event acted violently, but some others watching nearby cheered on the behavior. Others held hands, prayed and sang while police tried to restore order.

The number of demonstrators who participated in the march is unclear. Police claim approximately 150,000 participated in the event, while organizers say as many as 1 million were present and others say 400,000 is a more accurate number. Protesters marched from three parts of Paris and converged upon the esplanade in front of the Invalides to protest the recent passage of a law that allows gay couples to marry in town halls and adopt children. Read more

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