
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Anglican Curmudgeon: Remnant Quincy Group to Be Absorbed by Diocese of Chicago

Photo Source: KernelMag
At dual conventions held today in Chicago and Peoria, the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and the remnant Episcopalians in Quincy (who called themselves a "diocese" for purposes of the ongoing litigation over whether the actual Diocese of Quincy could leave the Episcopal Church [USA]) have voted to combine into a single Diocese of Chicago. The actual merger will not take place until General Convention meets, probably two years from now, to approve it pursuant to Article V of the Constitution.

(Curmudgeon's Note: See what a wonderful "hierarchy" ECUSA claims to be! It is supposedly "governed and ruled" by a body which meets together once every three years for just 8 days, and then dissolves -- never to assemble again. Eight days out of 365 x 3 = 1,095 days (1,096 if one year is a leap year), or less than 1% of the time (to be exact, 0.73%). It's rather like Scotland saying it was "governed" by the village of Brigadoon.) Read more

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