
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ten Characteristics of Leaders Who Last

As a seminary professor, I work with young leaders. They have passion, vision, energy, and zeal. They understand the importance of social justice and global outreach. In both the church world and the business world, I have met young leaders who give me hope for the future.

I have learned the most, though, from leaders who have been long-term leaders. To be honest, I have seen far too many young leaders quickly lose their integrity and sacrifice their leadership influence. Too many start well but do not end well.

That’s why I so enjoy talking to leaders who have led for years, if not for decades. Admittedly, these findings are anecdotal, but here are ten common characteristics of those long-term leaders from whom I have learned. Read more


  1. I thought you would find ACNA's latest actions interesting:

  2. I do. I left a comment on Living Text. The ACNA needs to make up its mind whether it is going to be an Anglican Church or an Independent Catholic Church. If it is going to be the later, it needs to drop "Anglican" from its name and all pretense of being an Anglican Church. It is as I have said elsewhere, the ACNA leadership is not happy to follow the lead of the Global South Anglican Community. It seeks to take the lead itself.
