
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Shooters in churches: Federal panel's guidebook counsels 'run, hide, or fight'

The federal government has released a guidebook to help churches respond to shooters and other on-site emergencies as part of President Obama's executive actions to fight gun violence.

Titled "A Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operation Plans for Houses of Worship," it offers suggestions and instructions apart from any laws or mandates. The guidebook is the work of a panel of 100 experts encompassing faith leaders, first responders, law enforcement officers, educators and emergency planners, who also released books for K-12 schools and higher education.

The faith leaders wanted to talk about making schools safer -- and more, Vice President Joe Biden said in announcing the guidebook. Read more

Also read
'Sheepdog' sessions prep churches for violence
White House Tells Churches How To 'Run, Hide, or Fight' When Gunmen Attack

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