
Thursday, July 18, 2013

United Kingdom: Christians commit to anti-radicalism initiatives among black youths

Christian agencies and church leaders have committed to working together on strategies to address the number of young black Christians being radicalised after conversion to Islam.

A seminar organised by Churches Together in England heard that a significant number of young black people are abandoning the Christian faith in favour of Islam and that some converts are being radicalised.

Richard Reddie, author of Black Muslims in Britain, said the journey from Christianity to Islam among British blacks was an expression of their search for an identity and certitude that they have not been able to find within "eurocentric Christianity", including black-majority churches.

The seminar was attended by around 70 people, including Muslims. They heard that converts to Islam tend to be more zealous and that the number of converts was growing.

"Time is not on the Christian church's side," said Reddie.  Read more

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