
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Winter 2014 issue of Enrichment Journal, The Modern Family & the Family of God, is online

By any statistical measure, the modern family is a mess. According to statistics in the The State of Our Unions: 2012, more than 60 percent of couples now cohabit prior to their first marriage. The average married couple faces a 40-50 percent chance of getting divorced. Forty-one percent of all childbirths are nonmarital. And 26 percent of children live with only one of their biological parents. These realities have a negative impact on the parties involved, especially the children.

The Winter 2014 issue of Enrichment examines how the Church — the family of God — should minister in the context of the modern family. Articles lay out best practices that move couples toward the ideal: healthy marriages and healthy families. However, they also address how the local church should minister in the context of divorce, blended families, single-parent households, and other situations. Keep reading

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