
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Not Just for Christmas! Sing a New Song at Christmas [mp3; chart]

After four hundred years of silence the heavens and earth break forth in an epic display of ’new song” (Psalm 96, Isaiah 42). And when the scriptures sing we better pay attention!

From the Song of Moses and Miriam in Exodus 15 to the Songs of the New Creation in Revelation God fills his story with song – songs of praise, songs of lament, songs of doubt, and songs of fulfillment. Scripture is filled with hundreds of songs, prayers, and other poetic fragments of praise.

And in no other time of year do our lives feel so omnipresently filled with song as in the holiday season. And while the world hears these songs as the backdrop of consumerism celebrated the Church hears the yearly call to remember and celebrate the emmanuel – the long awaited one now at hand. The story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Keep reading
The article includes links to mp3s of each canticle setting. The canticle settings range in style. They can be used at worship gatherings throughout the year as well as during the Christmas season. 

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