
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ed Stetzer: My Interview with Boz Tchvidjian (Part 2)

Boz Tchvidjian shares his thoughts on protecting children within Catholicism and hierarchical denominations in Evangelicalism.

Let's talk some about how to protect our children in different denominational structures. The Catholic Church has a hierarchical structure. The negative side of this is that at one point they used their hierarchy to hide. But now, it appears that they're using their hierarchy to root out reports and their approaches.

Many Protestants are different. Some denominations have a hierarchal structure, but many do not—with some even identifying as groups of independent, autonomous congregations. What responsibility would they have, or groups like them? How should they respond? Keep reading
One of the problem areas in the canons of the Anglican Church of North America is that they contain no special procedure for handling child sexual abuse complaints. The ACNA has to date taken no steps to correct this problem.

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