
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kevin Ezell: Tracking 2010's church plants

All church planters are special to us, but the church planting "Class of 2010" gets some additional attention and scrutiny because in that year we began reporting on Southern Baptist church plants in some new ways.

In 2010 Southern Baptist churches planted a total of 943 new churches.

Each of the new churches has an SBC ID number which allows for year-to-year tracking as they report through the Annual Church Profile. The ACP is a self-reporting tool and not every church responds, but it's the best statistical tool Southern Baptists have right now.

So, according to ACP, how is the Class of 2010 doing? We think pretty well so far. Here are some key indicators from the 2012 ACP, the last full year of reporting available.... Keep reading
How does your denomination track new church plants? How many new churches did your denomination plant in 2010? How are they doing? 

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