
Monday, March 24, 2014

4 Characteristics of Spirit-Empowered Preaching

While the term anointed may not be the best word to describe preaching by the power of the Spirit, the biblical rationale for Spirit-empowered preaching is still warranted. The prophets, Jesus, Paul, and the examples in Luke-Acts provide a rich understanding of this important reality.

Before identifying some marks of Spirit-empowered preaching, it may be helpful to begin with what Spirit-empowered preaching is not. It is not the act of trying to be someone else in the pulpit. Some preachers do an “incredible Hulk” transformation, turning into an entirely different person on the platform. Lack of genuineness is no sign of the Spirit.

Another common misunderstanding is the idea that Spirit-empowered preaching is when you change your sermon right before you preach! Sure, there may be times to do just that, but the act in itself is no sign of vitality. Some also think of “screaming, yelling, and slinging sweat” as Spirit-empowered preaching. If the preacher does not lose control, in some traditions, he has “lost the Spirit.”

Further, the preacher is often tempted to push the audience’s “hot buttons” in order to elicit a response. After doing so, he is often praised as “being anointed.” We should avoid such manipulation and deceit. Getting a verbal response is no barometer for the presence of the Spirit. A final misconception is that only those who preach without notes are preaching by the power of the Spirit. If this were the case, then many of the great preachers in our history apparently preached apart from the Spirit! Sorry, Edwards.

In contrast, I believe that there are four key biblical principles for understanding true Spirit-empowered preaching. Keep reading

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