
Monday, March 24, 2014

Excellent at a Few Things - And Other Laws of Leadership

#57 The Laser Focus Rule
Growing churches do a few things well.


One of the differences we’ve observed between churches that are distinctive and creative versus those that are commonplace and predictable is the “size of their bite.” That is, how much are they trying to be and do. The process is actually counterintuitive. The alive, growing churches are doing less, while the plateaued and declining churches are trying to do everything. The big difference is that the churches doing less are committed to doing it exceptionally well. The churches doing more find they can’t do it all and end up not doing any of it very well. It is the difference between a narrow focus with excellence and a wide focus with mediocrity.


Do you have Sunday school classes for nursery and preschoolers as well as for kindergarten, primary, elementary, and junior high? Do you have classes for high school and college kids, young adults, young marrieds, empty nesters, singles, middle adults, and senior adults? Have you dreamed about small groups in your church for any or all of the above groups? How about midweek Bible study and kids programs? Do you have women’s circles, men’s prayer breakfasts, sports leagues, and programs for young moms? If you have or desire to have all these groups, this rule is for you!

The Laser Focus Rule speaks to church leaders of most congregations today. Basically it says: Do a few things very well, rather than everything not so well. This may sound like a contradiction with No. 51, The Ministry Positions Rule, but it’s not. That rule rightly states that an effective church should have 60 ministry roles and tasks for every 100 constituents. The Laser Focus Rule says that these 60+ roles should be laser-focused on important and productive kingdom work, not an institutional perpetuation of busywork.

Many churches could reduce the number of their institutional programs by 25 percent without doing any damage to their ministry. (Remember No. 53, The 80/20 Rule?) Such a strategic reduction could allow the church to focus on a few ministries that would likely put its quality head and shoulders above other churches in the community. These are called signature ministries—exceptional church-sponsored programs for which the church is known throughout the community.

Churches are not called to start new programs or add new ministries or begin new services. They are called to make new disciples. Too many programs may actually hurt a church’s ability to do this very well. When it comes to effective programming, we recommend narrow and deep rather than wide and shallow. Keep reading

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