
Thursday, March 06, 2014

Eric Geiger: Mapping, Making, and Meshing in Ministry

In his book Die Empty, Todd Henry provides a helpful framework to plan, execute, and develop yourself as you work. He divides work into three broad categories:

1) Making: This is what many consider the actual work. It is the doing of the work.

2) Mapping: This is the planning of the work, the necessary strategic thinking that happens before “the making,” the intentional thoughtfulness that enables the “making” to be as effective as possible.

3) Meshing: Often overlooked, meshing is the ongoing learning that happens when you learn by exploring and thinking critically about your work.

Henry builds the case that if we don’t include mapping, making, and meshing in our work, then we won’t be able to offer our best. Without all three, we will end up being a drifter, a dreamer, or a driver. I thought about ministry leaders, myself included, as I read this chapter in his book and will make some quick applications to us. Keep reading

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