
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Mark Howell: 5 Serious Small Group Ministry Misalignment Signals

Does your strategic dashboard light up with flashing warning signals and even alarm bells when you run certain diagnostics? Or do you find yourself reporting that “everything is fine” even when you find yourself uneasy about what’s really happening?

I’ve written about the top 10 signs your small group ministry needs a reboot and a 5 step plan for rebooting your small group ministry, but it occurred to me that you might not necessarily recognize several key misalignment signals.

What am I calling a misalignment signal? Why am using that term? Pretty simple really. It is very common to find myself mid-conversation with a pastor and suddenly discover that they’ve chosen a strategy that just isn’t the right one given their results. They may hope things will work out, but the signals their system is giving off clearly indicate that something is very wrong. See also, 5 GroupLife Dots You May Not Be Connecting. Keep reading

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