
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Steve Lutz: 5 Reasons Millennials Aren’t Leaving the Church

We’ve all heard the statistics about millennials leaving the church. We know that many millennials have left after high school or college, and we don’t know if they’ll return. We know they tend to view the Church as judgmental, too political, too fixated on sex, and generally out of touch with modern science and culture.

Dwelling on trends can leave a pastor disheartened, because they are more than statistics. Each number has a name, and a face, some of whom we know personally. As someone with a burden for college students, my head and heart are frequently weighed down with the stories of those who have walked away.

But these aren’t the only stories. Not all millennials have left the church. Many have stayed. And in many churches, millennials are coming, or returning, in significant numbers. Here are five reasons millennials aren’t leaving the Church (and a bit about the kinds of churches they aren’t leaving). Keep reading

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