
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Two Ways Leaders Reduce Stress & Increase Effectiveness

Tuesday’s here again! You’re a few days away from preaching your last message, you’re five days from doing it all over again. Your leadership team wants time with you to go over Easter plans and you realize you’re speaking at a memorial on Thursday. That’s the regular cycle of ministry in full swing. Next thing you know, it will be Christmas. Oh my!

With this kind of schedule, it’s easy to get worn down quickly, experience debilitating fatigue, become desensitized, even dull. That kind of weekly grind can decrease your passion, negatively affect your decision making, cloud your vision and reduce the fruit of your ministry. And that’s just you. Your staff is feeling it as well.

How can you reduce your stress and increase your effectiveness in ministry? Practice these two habits: Number one, sharpen your skills. Take the time to hone your skills. Get better at the things you do. And number two, sharpen their skills. Invest in the skill development of the team around you. When you increase their effectiveness your effectiveness increases. Keep reading

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