
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What You Miss If You Quit

“I’ve experienced God and his grace in ways that far exceed any expectation that I had. It just didn’t come easily.”

Q: It seems that a lot of people who once chose to give their lives to vocational ministry are now choosing to leave it. To be honest, I’m battling the idea myself. What do you see as the problem? How have you overcome it and remained motivated and passionate for so long?

A: There’s no one clear or simple answer to your first question. Every person and circumstance is different. But from my experience, there’s one consistent element: We enter ministry with distorted expectations.

I know I did. Jesus had so changed my life that I couldn’t think of anything grander than helping other people experience the same thing. So I devoted my life to ministry. But my expectations were idealized.

I believed.... Keep reading

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