
Monday, March 24, 2014

Why Church Buildings Matter: An Interview with Tim Cool

When a church thinks that they have a facility or building issue that is impacting their ministry initiatives, where should they start the process?

I believe that church buildings matter because people matter. With that context, we cannot start with the building as the primary focus or the starting point of any discussion. It has to start with the vision, mission, culture, and DNA of the church. Who are you? Why do you exist? Why do you do things the way you do?

Another way to articulate this is looking at what makes your church unique. What is your intentional difference? Human DNA is the indicator that confirms that every human being God created is different. The same applies to every church. They are all different and it is critical to start at that point in the discussion. Until that can be fleshed out and fully adopted by the leadership, there is no reason to talk about buildings. Keep reading

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