
Monday, April 07, 2014

A Fun, Free Way For Church Members to Invite Friends for Easter (Or Any Time)

Easter is almost here!

This year our church is trying something new to invite people and greet them when they come. I’m sharing this idea here because it can be done by any church of any size. And it’s not too late for you to do it this year.

Plus, it’s fun, it’s personalized and it’s free!

Over the years, we spent a lot of time and money creating and printing Easter invitation flyers. Then we’d run an ad (at yet more expense) in the crowded Easter section of the neighborhood magazine or newspaper. It didn’t work.

With social media, we changed our tactics. We started creating our own flyers and making them available for church members to post on their social media pages. Not only was it free but, since people are always putting stuff like that on social media anyway, it felt less like advertising and more like chatting with friends.

This year, we’re taking it a step further. In addition to creating a Good Friday/Easter flyer for the church, we’re helping everyone create their own personalized invitation.

In today’s post, I’ll show you how we’re doing it. It’s completely free and can work for any church that has a camera and a computer. And you still have time to get it done for this Easter. Keep reading

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