
Monday, April 07, 2014

Pastors, Don’t Ignore Your Social Media Responsibility

I’m a big fan of pastors and a big fan of social media. Put those two things together and this is what you get: A guy who is a big fan of pastors being on social media. In fact, “big fan” might even be understating it a little bit.

I believe pastors have a responsibility to be online.

Loren Cunningham, founder of the worldwide mission organization Youth With A Mission, once explained how he used the technology of his day (air travel) to reach the world with the Gospel. For us to ignore the technology of our day (social media) to do the same would be irresponsible.

I know several pastors who have been hesitant to jump online. They worry it will give too many people access to them. They are already giving so much of their time, they wonder how they can possibly do more. Not to mention, they see other pastors who are misusing their online platforms, and they wonder if it is really beneficial.

I understand the hesitations. But, I still stand by my position. Here are three very important responsibilities pastors have online. Keep reading

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