
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Stop dressing so tacky for church

If the Rev. John DeBonville could preach a sermon to lift the souls of churchgoers across America, his message would be simple:

Stop dressing so tacky for church.

DeBonville has heard about the “come as you are” approach to dressing down for Sunday service, but he says the Sabbath is getting too sloppy.

When he scans the pews of churches, DeBonville sees rows of people dressed in their Sunday worst. They saunter into church in baggy shorts, flip-flop sandals, tennis shoes and grubby T-shirts. Some even slide into the pews carrying coffee in plastic foam containers as if they’re going to Starbucks.

“It’s like some people decided to stop mowing the lawn and then decided to come to church,” says DeBonville, rector at the Church of the Good Shepard in Massachusetts. “No one dresses up for church anymore.” Keep reading
Yesterday I posted one view on the issue of church dress. Today I am posting a contrasting view. This view prompts the question, "Are we creating a barrier to the gospel when we expect non-believers visiting our worship gatherings to conform to a standard of church dress for believers?" 

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