
Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Atonement and the Psalmist: Psalm 22 by Eric Mason

In Part 7 of a series on the atonement, Pastor Eric Mason writes on Psalm 22 and abandonment.

Psalm 22 is what I would call a "hybrid psalm." It is a "hybrid" in that it has components within it that fit different psalms. There are parts that follow the pattern of a lament psalm (1-2, 6-7, 11-18), a psalm of trust (4-5, 8-10, 19-21, 26-34), and a psalm of Praise (3, 22-25). Although there is overlap in psalms of praise and trust, there are some distinguishing factors that make each unique.

In the immediate context of this Psalm, the psalmist seems to be going through an extremely difficult period. During this challenging period we find a deep engagement with God even in the midst of blight circumstances. As several commentators have added, that the multifaceted nature of the psalm reflects a liturgical flow. It could reflect a gathering of believers, or an individual who has theological categories for framing talking with the Lord in the most difficult of times. What is clear is that the psalmist is going through something difficult. Keep reading

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