
Thursday, May 22, 2014

5 Characteristics of True Repentance to Clear Up Confusion

In an effort to clear up any confusion about what it means to "repent," a leader from Harvest Christian Fellowship's student ministries spells out the "5 R's of Repentance" in a recent blog representing the church-led evangelistic youth movement, Uprising.

"I decided to write about repentance because it seems that both Christians and non-Christians can be confused about what it means," KC McCauley, who is the pastoral assistant for high school ministries at Harvest Fellowship in Southern California and a co-leader at Uprising, told The Christian Post.

"For the non-believer, repentance can be confusing regarding salvation and what happens when they come to Christ," McCauley continued. "For the Christian, it can be confusing regarding sanctification and how they react to sin now that they know Christ. Therefore, it affects us on a personal level in our Christian life and in our evangelism." Keep reading

Image: Uprising

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