
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Books – The Rise of the ‘Nones’ by James Emery White

Worked my way through The Rise of the Nones this week. New from James Emery White, the founding and senior pastor of Mecklenburg Community Church, this is a must read in my opinion. White is an insightful observer of culture and culture shifts and the implications of this particular shift ought to be a front burner conversation for all of us. This is why I included The Rise of the Nones on my 2014 Summer Reading List.

The title refers to the dramatic increase in the percentage of Americans indicating “none” when asked about their religion (A 2012 Pew Forum study titled “Nones on the Rise” indicates that one in five Americans (19.3%) claim no religious identity at all (up from 15% in 2008 and 8% in 1990)). As White points out, “the ‘nones’ are now the fastest growing religious group in America.” Keep reading

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