
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sorry Christians, We Can’t Blame the Media Any More

“Blame the media” has always been a popular game for Christians to play.

Not long ago, Christians had a legitimate claim that the our reputation was bad because the media was against us. That’s not the case anymore.

Oh sure, the media in general may still think negatively about Christians, if they think about us at all. But the days of blaming someone else for our bad press are gone.

Do you know why Christians have a bad reputation today? It’s not because of CNN. It’s because of our own Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and YouTube videos!

Every day, we confirm their worst suspicions. There’s no one left to blame but us.

Some Christians really act like jerks.
,br/> No, I’m not going to qualify that sentence by changing it to “some so-called Christians really act like jerks.” I’m talking about actual Christians. People who have a relationships with Jesus, read their bible, go to church, share their faith and love their neighbor.

Then they get online and reinforce all the worst stereotypes about Christians as self-righteous, ignorant, out-of-touch jerks!

And don’t even get me started on how Christians behave in the comment sections of blogs. Yikes! It makes me not want to like Christians all that much, myself. Keep reading

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