
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Conservative Methodists Respond to Petition Calling on Individual Churches to Determine Stance on Homosexuality

A group of conservative members of the United Methodist Church have signed an open letter to the supporters of a petition calling for the denomination to let individual congregations determine their stance on homosexuality.

At issue is the UMC's official position on homosexuality, which while recognizing the inherent worth of homosexual persons nonetheless declares the practice of homosexuality "incompatible with Christian teaching."

Posted on the website of the denomination's Good News Magazine last week, the open letter was addressed to Adam Hamilton, senior pastor of The Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, and Mike Slaughter, lead pastor of Ginghamsburg UMC of Tipp City, Ohio.

Hamilton and Slaughter are the top signatories for a petition titled "A Way Forward", that called on the UMC to let individual congregations determine whether or not they believe homosexuality is sinful. Keep reading

Photo: UMNS/Kathleen Barry

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