
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pastor's shift on sexuality confronts SBC

A Los Angeles-area Southern Baptist pastor has said he believes homosexual acts are not always sinful, leading to a split in his church and leaving some Southern Baptists wondering whether the Southern Baptist Convention will withdraw fellowship from the congregation.

"I recently revealed to the elders that I have changed my stance on homosexuality," Danny Cortez, pastor of New Heart Community Church said in a Feb. 9 sermon posted on YouTube that gained national attention through a blog post at on May 29 and one by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. on June 2.

Cortez acknowledged that his endorsement of homosexuality "is a radical shift from the longstanding belief of our church. This is a radical shift from our statement of faith, aligned with the Southern Baptist Convention." Keep reading

Photo: Christian Post

1 comment:

  1. Not only Baptists, but all Bible-believing Christians should dis-fellowship this supposed "minister of the Gospel" and any of his congregation who approves of this apostate doctrine of men.
