
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

In What Part of Your Ministry Are You Failing?

A self-aware shepherd should follow these three, pragmatic steps toward accurately identifying specific ministry skills he or she is lacking.

Perhaps you have a stellar reputation as an empathetic caregiver who quietly reads Scripture at the bedside of a sick or dying parishioner. Yet people may also know you as a mind-numbing, wake-me-up-when-the-sermon-is-over preacher.

You may parse Hebrew verbs but cannot decipher the myriad rows of numbers slathered across a spreadsheet for the upcoming annual church business meeting.

Maybe you believe a “strategic plan” in your ministry is an increase in your housing allowance and the installation of a new double sink in the women’s restroom.

Regardless of your quasi-divine reputation, look down. You do have feet of clay. While you excel at some theological tasks, you probably struggle in other areas. Consider this question: In what part of your ministry are you failing? Read more

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