
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

On Preaching: Thou Shalt End Well

Consider these 10 prohibitions when it’s time to end your sermon.

Have you ever heard Mark Twain’s take on sermon brevity?1

He valued it. Once he listened to a preacher for 5 minutes, and, subsequently, was ready to contribute $50. After 10 minutes more of the sermon, he reduced the amount of his contribution to $25. After 30 minutes more, he cut the sum to $5. At the end of an entire hour of oratory, when the plate was passed, he stole $2.

In light of dwindling attention spans, I give to you the following prohibitions when it’s time to end your sermon. I’m right there with you, confessing my transgressions and asking for help, hoping to end each sermon well. I implore you to join me and walk the path of thoughtful preaching, especially when it comes to the sermon conclusion. Read more

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