
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

7 Ways to Close the Back Door of Your Church

1. Measure what is measurable

While worship attendance is hard to capture, adult small-groups classes are relatively simple. Children's activities are the simplest of all since security issues require us to keep accurate records anyway. So, measure what you can measure. Yes, you will get push-back from some of your established groups, but if you give them some context, you will get their support. By context, I mean they have to understand the issue is bigger than their group. If you show them you are trying to be good stewards of these people who are your responsibility, they will usually get on board. Ask them to help you be faithful with your responsibility.

2. Catch people on their way out of the back door

One of the fundamental mistakes I see churches make is to focus on what has happened in the past. It is not that looking back is not of value, it just won't help you get anyone back! Gone is gone! Think of it this way: If someone gets upset and you recognize they are about to leave, you can intervene and smooth the situation. But if that person leaves, gets home and settles into their favorite chair in front of the TV, what are the odds of getting them to come back? Not very good, are they? It takes a person about four weeks to move from, "I don't think the church cares about me" to, "I know the church does not care about me." Catch them on the way out and this can be prevented. Read more

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