
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What Happens When Boomer Pastors Retire?

In an earlier article this year, I focused on the implications of Boomer retirements on congregations across America. The article took a high level look at how churches will be impacted with a large number of members in retirement.

As a reminder, on January 1, 2011, the first Boomer turned 65. In fact, on that day, 10,000 of them turned 65. And that pace of aging will continue until 2030, when every Boomer is 65 or older.

The implications for churches are staggering. This generation is not of the mindset of previous aging generations. According to a Pew Research study, the typical Boomer does not believe old age begins until age 72. And the typical Boomer feels nine years younger than his or her chronological age. Read more

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