
Saturday, October 25, 2014

10 ways Christians can engage with Halloween

October 31 is a tricky one for Christians.

For some, it's a bit of light-hearted fun and an excuse to eat an absurd amount of sweets, for others, it signifies something darker.

Whatever your thoughts, it's good to be prepared and to engage with what's going on in your community, so we've put together a list of ways you can do just that.... Read more
The church in which I am presently involved participates in Trail of Treats sponsored by the Murray-Calloway County Parks & Recreation in conjunction with a local radio station, Froggy 103.7. Trail of Treats is held in one of Murray's parks and is a community Halloween celebration. The kids are provided with a safe environment in which they can trick or treat. They walk a trail around the park and get candy and goodies from businesses, clubs and other organizations along the way. Another local church with which I am acquainted hosts a Corn Maze, a maze stamped out in a cornfield next to the church's building. The church is in the rural countryside.

The church in which I was previously involved was also a rural church. One year the youth group put on a Fall Festival for the kids in the community with games, face painting, and treats. Another year the church sponsored a bonfire, weiner and marsh mellow roast, and hayride that was open to the community. Among the findings of the community needs survey that the pastor who planted the church conducted with the help of a student short-term mission team was the lack of recreational opportunities in the community.

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