
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sorcery in the Sanctuary: Witchcraft (Part Two)

Witchcraft is more than pagans daunting pentacles in the park, rather it is using manipulation of powers to bring about one's own (instead of God's) desire. Scripture tells us that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and it has been continually repeated throughout history.

It is not different today as we find undiscerning Christians engaging in ceremonies within our congregations, offering up incense (prayers) to false gods and manipulating their will over God's will. In much the same manner as Saul, we engage in forbidden practices, deceived into thinking we can use these methods to expedite answers from God.

I first saw the laminated Dream Cards which consisted of symbols to help one interpret the message of their dreams, never expecting to find them labeled as "Christian" on Facebook. Read more

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