
Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday's Catch: "A Friendly Reminder: 'Come To Jesus' Is More Important Than 'Come To Our Church'" and More

A Friendly Reminder: “Come To Jesus” Is More Important Than “Come To Our Church”

We have become so used to tethering evangelism to our church’s programming and attendance that we can forget they're not the same thing. Read More

Autopsy of a Deceased Church Outreach Ministry

Thom Rainer offers some ideas that may explain the death of ongoing outreach by churches in the Southern Baptist Convention and other denominations. Read More

9 Hidden Things That Make Or Break Leaders

Changing your mind about how you lead, feel and think changes everything. Read More

Why NOT Getting Hired, Promoted, Or Recognized Is A Sign Of God’s Blessing

The following is a brief excerpt from Brian Jones' new book Finding Favor from a chapter called “Intentional Obscurity.” Read More

10 Options When You Don't Want to Go the Church Office on Monday

I know it happens, because I’ve been there. You so look forward to Sunday, but that day is a flop. Your sermon seemed like a failure. Attendance was down. Your friendly critic wasn’t so friendly. The events of the day bothered you on Sunday afternoon, and you just don’t want to go to work on Monday. What do you do? Here are some options.... Read More

3 Spiritual Vitality Warning Signs for Pastors

It’s often difficult to discern the level of your spiritual growth when you are professionally immersed in spiritually oriented church work. Read More

Is It Necessary to Preach Divine Wrath?

Faithful pulpit ministry requires the declaration of both judgment and grace. The Word of God is a sharp, two-edged sword that softens and hardens, comforts and afflicts, saves and damns. Read More

What Am I Saved For?

We know what we’ve been saved from, but knowing what we’ve been saved for is just as important. Read More

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