
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: "Tribalism Outside the Church. And In." and More

Tribalism Outside the Church. And In.

While no two of us are completely alike, we tend to find fellow humans who share at least one if not more of our convictions. Read More

How to Determine If Your Church Is Multiethnic

The method I propose is not the only way to measure church diversity, nor is it likely to be the best approach. But it has the advantage of being simple, practical, and doable by anyone armed with an internet connection, a spreadsheet, and a church directory. Read More

Was Gnosticism Tolerant and Inclusive? Debunking Some Myths about “Alternative” Christianities

Here are five claims often made about Gnosticism that prove to be more myth than reality.... Read More

False Teaching Out There and In Here

We need to take heed to ourselves and our teaching even as we seek to protect God’s people from errors. Read More

Catch This—The Evangelism Contagion

If we model evangelism, equip people to do it and then encourage them to share when they do it, it can become contagious. Read More

Be a Gospel Neighbor

Being a good neighbor is a crucial component to being a faithful evangelist. We should all aspire to be gospel neighbors. Read More

3 Takeaways from New Research on Americans and the Bible

Every year, Barna and the American Bible Society release new research on behaviors and beliefs about the Bible among U.S. adults. Click here for a summary of the surveys with charts and graphs to help you visualize the research. Three findings stood out to me. Read More

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