
Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday's Catch: "24 Things That Love Is" and More

24 Things That Love Is

Christ's sacrifice of love is the ultimate example of what love is and what love does. Read More

The Top 10 Things Pharisees Say Today

Chances are that if you’re a Christian, your desire is to be more like Christ. That’s great. But are you? How would you know? Read More

Five “Short-Timers” Who May Not Stay Long at Your Church

Sometimes, no matter what you do, people are going to leave. In my experience, there are five types of individuals who are most likely to not stay very long. I’m afraid there is nothing in this article that will help you keep them. But perhaps, if you have advanced warning, their departure won’t hurt so much. Read More

10 Things You Should Know about Original Sin

Original sin sounds so archaic, so pessimistic, so grimly medieval. For heaven’s sake, this is the era of the computer and the space shuttle. And haven’t the most learned psychologists and sociologists assured us that people are by nature good, having been turned to their evil ways not by some inner instinct but through the influence of a deviant culture and sub-standard education? These questions indicate how important it is for us to understand the biblical notion of original sin. So here are ten things to keep in mind. Read More

Actually, God Calls the Qualified… Into Leadership

I think the distinction we sometimes miss is that God welcomes everyone into his family, entirely by grace and on the basis of the blood of his Son, Jesus, without respect to any qualification in us. We’re all welcome – every last broken one of us. But when it comes to leadership, God bestows influence and authority on those who have proven to be faithful stewards of smaller responsibilities. Read More

9 Reasons Why Seasoned Leaders Don't Pass the Baton Until It's Too Late

We can change the church settings, pastoral personalities, and leadership scenarios, but one thing about church leadership remains the same: every day, every leader is one day closer to passing the baton to the next leader. The question is whether the baton will be passed willingly and wisely, effectively and efficiently. Read More

5 Ways Stress Impairs Your Ability to Lead

Stress isn’t just inconvenient; it can actually impair your ability to lead. Here’s how. Read More

How The Best Leaders Develop Self-Control

Leaders without consistent self control never make it to their long term destination. Read More

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