
Monday, June 18, 2018

The FAQs: What You Should Know About Family Separation at the Border

Over the past six weeks, immigration officials have separated hundreds of migrant families who have either crossed into the United States illegally or have sought political asylum.

A change in immigration policy by the Trump administration is resulting in thousands of children being housed separately from their parents as they await adjudication. The children are being kept in separate facilities and are unable to see their parents for an indefinite period of time. Read More

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Separating young children from their psychological parents causes irreparable psychological, emotional, developmental, and physiological damage to the child to which I can personally attest as a retired social worker who worked in the field of child welfare for more than 25 years. It is an action that should be taken only by the order of a court with competent jurisdiction when a child's well-being is genuinely at high risk and then when all other viable alternatives have been exhausted. To describe the policy of the Trump administration as inhumane would be an understatement!

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