
Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday's Catch: "How to Reach Hostile Secular People" and More

How to Reach Hostile Secular People

A hesitant Christian and a hostile secularist aren’t a good combination for effective evangelism. Read More

Seeing Christianity Through Post-Christian Eyes

A large part of sharing the gospel in a post-Christian culture is being sensitive to the potential confusion of our listeners. Read More

Two (Book) Attempts to Understand Rural America

Our American small towns and rural places, no less than our great cities, have deep shortcomings, struggles, and sins. But closer inspection also reveals some surprising possibilities. Read More

Why Millenial Parents Are Exiting the Church

Dale Hudson examines why church attendance is lowest in recent years among young families with children. Read More

How to Use the Qur'an to Get to the Gospel

Using the Qur’an can help establish a common starting point, and it opens the door for honest questions about what the person has heard about ‘Isa. Read More

6 Essential Skills For Senior & Executive Leaders

The higher you rise in any organization, the more you give up your rights and the fewer options you have. Read More

Did You Know ‘The New City Catechism’ Is Available in 14 Languages?

The online version of The New City Catechism features the full text of the 52 questions and answers in 14 languages. Read More
I am excited that The New City Catechism is available in Japanese and Korean. My university has an exchange student program with several Japanese and Korean universities.
Serving God in a Migrant Crisis

Today, as millions of God-followers (along with those who don’t believe) are on the move, we need to remember our heritage. God has used migration for millennia to achieve his purposes for his people. He is doing so again in our time. Read More

8 Ways You Can Help Immigrants

These methods for reaching out to immigrants and refugees can go a long way toward making them feel welcome. Read More

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