
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: "Six Ways the MeToo# Movement Has Affected Local Church Life: and More

Six Ways the MeToo# Movement Has Affected Local Church Life - Rainer on Leadership #444 [Podcast]

Sexual abuse in the Church has become a major issue for pastors and church leaders. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss why this is an important moment for the Church to get right in the way things are handled. Listen Now

Better Late Is Still Late: Advocating for Victims of Sexual Abuse

In recent weeks there has been an increased awareness of the church’s need to be more skilled and more aware in how we care for marriages and dating relationships where abuse is present. I know that many public figures that have spoken out have been applauded for doing so. And doubtless there are many of us—in the SBC specifically—who feel like the proactive pieces that have been written in recent weeks (to which I contributed one) are groundbreaking. Read More

Piper: 8 Guidelines For Tough Leadership Decisions

John Piper offers a thorough list of steps to help you launch a new leadership initiative with wisdom, prayer, and excellence. Read More

10 Steps Pastors Can Take to Beat Stress

Is stress making you listless, unmotivated and mentally distracted? Here are 10 ways you can reduce the stress in your life. Read More

5 Reflections from 10 Years of Daily Bible Reading

what I want to do in this post is to encourage and challenge readers to be daily, habitual, bible readers. I hope to offer some things I’ve learned along the way that will hopefully help you on this journey of knowing Christ more fully. Read More

Introducing ‘The New City Catechism Curriculum’

A new resource for the church,the classroom,and the home. Learn More

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