
Wednesday, June 06, 2018

The Ordinary Means of Discipleship

In Acts 2:42, Luke provides a summary of the ways believers in the early church grew as disciples. He writes, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” According to Luke, these Christians devoted themselves to four basic means by which they were discipled. Let us consider these means and the way in which the risen Christ still uses them today in the lives of His people. Read More

Related Posts:
Christians Are Disciples
The Double-Minded Man
These three articles and "What Is a Disciple?"the article to which I posted a link yesterday come from the June issue of Table Talk, which focuses on discipleship. I will be posting links to the remaining articles in that issue over the next few days. They are the kind of article that pastors and church leaders may wish to share with members of their congregations to help them gain a better understanding of what discipleship is about. Whether we practice infant baptism and confirmation or believer baptism, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that those making a profession of faith have a proper understanding of the nature of discipleship. In my lifetime I have encountered too many churchgoers who really do not understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

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