
Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Wednesday's Catch: "Why Conflict Leads to Complacency in Many Churches" and More

The Rainer Report: Why Conflict Leads to Complacency in Many Churches

Thom Rainer examines the different ways that conflict leads to complacency in the local church. Watch Now

A Pastor’s U-Turn

Like David, pastors are shepherds who experience dangerous temptations which can lead to devastating results. Our private failures often result in public collateral damage. I pray this post reaches some who are still on the edge of the cliff, instead at the bottom of it. Consider these four questions as you consider a U-turn today. Read More

How to Ruin Your Life [Podcast]

LifeWay’s Eric Geiger joins Pastor Talk host Marty Duren to discuss his latest book, How to Ruin Your Life. Listen Now

Leading in a Diverse World

Leaders have a unique role to play in creating the environments where diversity can be a benefit rather than a cause for division. Read More

10 Things I Need to Remember Today

Life seems crazy some days. Sometimes, we weep and rejoice in the same day. We trust and we question in the same hour—if not the same minute—when things don’t make sense. No matter how long I’ve been a Christian, I need these reminders to which I cling today.... Read More

8 Signs You’re Trapped in Legalism

We’ve all experienced times when our faith in the finished work of Jesus morphs into legalism. These are warning signs. Read More

Credo Magazine: The Glory of the Atonement

The latest issue of Credo Magazine is online for you to read. The focus of this issue is the atonement. Read Articles
"The English Reformation," "Sola Scriptura," and other past issues of Credo Magazine are also online.

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