
Monday, July 09, 2018

3 Things Church Leaders Should Know About Blended Families

We’re in the throes of summer, and you might notice some of the kids are missing from your congregation. Some may be visiting grandparents. Others might be at sports camps.

But there are a few who might be spending their time off from school with a parent who lives in another city, or even another state.

These kids are members of a blended family—a family formed when one or both of the adults in the marriage have children from a previous relationship. If you don’t currently have one of these families in your congregation, you likely will in the near future.

The married couples and children who make up blended families bring the same giftedness and value to a congregation as anyone else. But there are a few things to keep in mind when welcoming such a family into your congregation or trying to more deeply connect with them. Read More

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