
Monday, July 09, 2018

Three Ways to Do Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture

Several years ago, my wife and I decided to make one of the biggest decisions of our lives—we moved to the other side of the country to start a church.

Starting a church in San Diego has been one of our greatest privileges and greatest challenges. According to Barna Research, San Diego is the number ten most post-Christian city in America.

We realized this was true when one of our kids was invited to a birthday party on Sunday morning of one of the biggest days of the year for Christians—Easter!

Being a Christian or going to church isn’t a part of the culture where we live. It can be difficult when reaching people or starting a church. We have found a joy in the midst of it. When people show up at church or become a Christ follower, it’s because they really want what Jesus offers. It’s not what everyone else is doing or what’s popular but it is genuine. That is refreshing.

I’ve found three ways that open doors as I minister in a post-Christian culture. I hope they’ll encourage you. Read More

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