
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

GAFCON: Why this Anglican Conference matters to all Christians

A highlight of GAFCON was the sense of partnership in the gospel with like-minded Christians from around the world. We delighted in the God-given diversity of the conference – different nationalities, cultures, clothing (from African bishops and their wives in matching colourful outfits, to moody bearded North American hipsters!), style of worship (do you raise your hands, clap spontaneously in sermons, call out “Alleluia!”, or simply nod in sober agreement?), degree of formality or informality, and so on. There was the encouragement of seeing others stand firm in difficult circumstances, and mutual support as we face similar challenges. GAFCON was a great reminder that God is the God of the whole world, and that he is working powerfully to build and preserve his church!

Indeed, we are united in Christ with all believers, whether we are the same denomination nor not. The Body of Christ is bigger than any one denomination, and it pleases God to foster unity and cooperation between different denominations (which is one reason I am involved in The Gospel Coalition!). Non-Anglicans can celebrate what God is doing through GAFCON. Read More

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