
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Wednesday's Catch: "Five Reasons a Wave of Church Revitalization Is Likely" and More

Five Reasons a Wave of Church Revitalization Is Likely

Thom Rainer shares five reasons for the likelihood of a wave of revitalization. Read More

A slanderous lie: “The church in America is dying.”

Few things fire me up more than someone saying, “The church in America is dying.”....It’s an insult to the Lord Jesus Christ about His Church, slander against the thousands upon thousands of faithful congregations hard at work, desperately trying to get it right, and is completely at odds with the real evidence. Read More

My Best Advice For New Pastors And Church Planters? Be A Great Cover Band

The more good sources you take ideas and inspiration from, the more likely you’ll discover the unique ministry God has for you. Read More

7 Ways to Engage Little Minds with Big Truth

Isn’t it too hard to teach theology to little kids? If there’s one question I’m frequently asked, that’s it. Teachers rightly love to tell children bible stories, but when it comes to teaching theology, well, things become a little tense. No doubt, teaching big theological truths requires some hard work, but it can be done in a most wonderful way. Read More

8 Reasons Confession to One Another Matters

None of us likes to confess our sin to another believer. Instead, we too often choose to hide in our sin, as I pointed out in yesterday’s post. Ultimately, God is the one who forgives us, but here are reasons we must prayerfully consider confessing our wrong to another brother or sister in Christ.... Read More

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