
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #10

Feed the Sheep—No Matter How Many Are In the Pasture

"God’s job is to worry about the number of sheep. Your job is to feed the sheep." Read More

Why It’s Not Enough for Your Sermon to Be Truthful

Your sermons must be accurate and eloquent. Pointing people to Christ through proclaiming the Scripture demands committed excellence in every way from every fiber of our being. Read More

There Is Something Else About Preaching...

"Great biblical preaching and preparation are indispensable to the church." Read More

When the Preaching Fire Burns... And When It Goes Out

There’s nothing quite like it, though most people can’t understand it. I share my thoughts about it today because I want churches praying more intentionally and regularly for those who are gifted to do it—that is, to preach His Word. When that calling hits you, everything changes.... Read More

Preaching to the Unchurched: 3 Adjustments I've Made

Preaching to the unchurched requires a change in our communication style. Read More

Daring Preaching Engages The Culture: Does Yours?

No gospel worker who remains aloof from the culture where he goes to minister will have much effect on it. Read More

Does the Sermon Sing? Six Classic Piper Lectures on Preaching [Audio]

Now, for the first time, the Bernard H. Rom Preaching Lectures that John Piper gave at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1994 and 2000 are online. Listen Now

How John Piper Learned To Preach

"I don't think there is much you can do to become a preacher except know your Bible and be unbelievably excited about what's there." Read More

10 Words To Preach By (My Preaching Convictions)

In 10 words Daniel Akin defines preaching as, “Christ-centered, text-driven, Spirit-led preaching that transforms lives.” For the rookie and seasoned preacher alike, this staccato definition of preaching is helpful. I’ve used this definition to form some preaching convictions. Read More

9 Reasons Why I Preach Expositionally

Discover the simple beauty of unfolding God’s Word to God’s people in an understandable and applicable way. Read More

Why Preaching The Story Is Powerful Preaching

Frequently, God felt that having the truth clothed in the genre of story was the best option. Read More

How Do I Deal with the Genealogies?

In a culture accustomed to an endless stream of entertainment, a sermon on a genealogy surely must rank alongside a root canal or a trip to the DMV on the last day of the month. Even many mature saints skip these passages in their Bible reading or become discouraged trying to read them, so it’s unlikely a pastor will create excitement by announcing that next week’s sermon will be on a roster of names. Read More

Preach The (Memorized) Word

When we hide his word in our hearts, it makes a powerful difference personally and professionally. Read More

5 Tips to Make Series Titles at Your Church More Sticky

Great titles are the key to making your series stickier. We all know that we judge books by their cover and their title, and the same is true with a message series. A good title both has the opportunity to grab people’s attention and makes it easy for them to invite others to listen in as well. So, how do you create a compelling series title? Read More

6 Tips for Better Lesson Illustrations

Want to become a better speaker? Start by following these rules toward generating better message illustrations. Read More

3 Tests Of Pulpit Plagiarism: Do You Pass Them?

How do you walk the line between preparation and outright theft? Here's help. Read More

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