
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: Future Church and More

Future Church: 10 Predictions for the Next 10 Years

What will the church, specifically in North America, look like in 10 years? There is a convergence of trends happening right now that I see that make for an intriguing outlook for the future. Read More

3 Reasons to Love the Sojourner [Podcast]

Afshin Ziafat on God's care for the vulnerable. Listen Now

The Doctrine of the Standing or Falling Soul

Whoever loses sight of the truth of Scripture regarding our justification before God loses sight of the unmerited grace of God in the Gospel. When we forget about our justification by faith alone in Christ alone we inevitably put ourselves back on the “never enough” hamster wheel of good works. Read More

4 Signs of Unhealthy Volunteer Teams

How do you know when your volunteer teams are struggling? Read More

5 Things That Give Pastors A Bad Name With Unchurched People

Our blind spots can be our worst enemies. Identify them, and suddenly you can be more effective. So here are 5 traps I try to avoid as a local pastor who loves the church and loves the people we’re trying to reach. Read More

Clear Steps to Smart Decision-Making

No leader wants to make a wrong decision, but you can’t avoid risks. You will make mistakes. The goal is to make many more good decisions than bad ones. The encouraging news is that decision-making is a skill, you can practice and get better at it. Read More

Don’t Just Wait for Gospel Opportunities

Some of us approach evangelism with about as much enthusiasm as our sixth-grade spelling bee. Joy would certainly not be the first word that comes to mind when we think of such a task. Instead, fear—the fear of man and of messing up—can dominate our thoughts and stifle any inclination to open our mouths. But speaking the gospel doesn’t have to be so dreadful. Read More

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